Take the PADI Master Scuba Diver challenge in Placencia. Join the Elite of Scuba Divers.
The Master Scuba diver rating is the highest non-professional certification a recreational diver can be awarded. This rating puts you in the elite group of scuba divers who have earned this rating through both significant experience and scuba training. This rating has often been referred to as the ‘Black Belt’ of scuba diving.
When you flash your Master Scuba Diver card, people know that you’ve spent time underwater in a variety of environments and had your share of dive adventures. With our experienced Instructors at Splash Dive Center you’ll soon feel knowledgeable and skillful in various areas of scuba diving.
The requirements to become a Master Scuba Diver include:
- 50 dives
- Complete 5 specialties of your choice
- Be certified as a Rescue Diver
- Hold a current EFR certification
The specialties can be completed before or after the EFR and Rescue courses. After meeting all of the requirements, Splash can help you submit your PADI MSD application. Each Specialty can be completed in one or two days.
The specialties include:
Enriched Air
Search & Recovery
Fish ID

Thanks to the amazing diving conditions in Placencia, our stunning coral reefs, and abundance of aquatic life in Southern Belize, many of our former MSD students have elected for Fish ID, Naturalist and Videography specialties. Search And Recovery and Enriched Air as excellent ones to round out their packages.
The adventure dives you did during the Advanced Open Water course can qualify as the first dive of the specialties that you select. To set up a program to achieve the MSD rating, please contact divebelizewithsplash@gmail.com